I can still hear my dad say, "Don't write anything you wouldn't want published in the newspaper." Today it wouldn't matter. They could edit your words. But the Holy Bible claims to be the inherent Word of God. If a good man strives to maintain a good reputation and a good name for himself, Father God is true to His word. Could we even imagine anything else? As much as He announces His names and the high value He places on His name and reputation, it is only the shadow to how highly He esteems His Word! He is only as good as His Word. His Word is truth and the true representation of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I will try to quote it from memory but I beg grace if I am weak in an area. I can always edit, right?
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God and Ll this gs were made through Him that were made. In His is life and the life is the light of men. He came to His own and His own did not receive him. But to those who received Him He gave the power to become the children of God.
Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God..."
Okay? Ask the Father what that means in its fullness. Ask Him questions. And more than anything, frequently ask Him, "What is the truth?" It is that simple and powerful.
As one who loves God's law, I have an active imagination that is totally given over to the Holy Spirit and I have truly enjoyed the benefits as well as the privilege of these experiences. I am so unfamiliar with success and blessing in all the walk of my life and it is wonderful to be free from a tormenting captivity and to feel clean and in Holy Spirit's control much more profoundly. I am beginning to be able to distinguish when I slip into covetousness and I lose my connection with the Father or I sense the Holy Spirit is quenched. I am an active participant in the war going on around us in our homes, work places, the store, restaurant, school, bars and night clubs and in our churches. I am purposing to stay close to and along side the Holy Spirit as we cast out demons and tear down strongholds. I am so glad to be chosen for such a rewarding ministry. I will give understanding to the many by the grace of God and in the love and admonition of the Holy Spirit. I could not survive a day without my awareness of the Holy Spirit always present, able and willing to help me in all situations according to the riches in glory that my life brings Him. It is all about God being exactly who He says He is. And by knowing Him through knowing the Word of the Holy Scriptures, we know the Father, our King and Jesus our advocate and the Helper Who is teaching me all things that are needed for the equipping of the saints. I am learning to recognize and use the gifts as He apportions out. And I am enjoying a season of protective nurturing as I get a glimpse into the realm of darkness battling forces of principalities and powers of the air and between the angelic host of many, the servants of man, totally on our behalf. We need to participate. We must pray into our part in the affairs of many around us who benefit from our prayers of worship for the Father and our adoration for His Holy Spirit. We need to understand the reality that exists whether we want it to or not has no bearing on whether it continues to torment, confuse and enrage any unsuspecting, tormented soul whether already having tasted the goodness of God or whether they are dead in their sins. I can once again say, "Once I was blind but now I see!" And as recorded in Isaiah the Prophet's book, chapter 58.
Jesus came to set the captives free. I am in the business of going about undoing the work of the deceiver and giving exhortation to the Church to rise up and cast in the sickle for the harvest is ready and the workers are few. We are praying that the Lord of the harvest send more workers into the harvest and that I would walk in confidence and boldness in the Spirit of His love. What more could anyone ever hope for or dream of, really?