I can imagine what Peter felt when Jesus turned to face him and rebuked him firmly, "Get behind me Satan..." I have had more than my share of "Get behind me Satan" Peter type experineces. Do you think Peter shrivelled back when confronted with an enemy principality? Of course not! He called them out. Peter knew He didn't have a spirit of fear. But, unlike so many others, Peter didn't have to keep reminding himself that God didn't give him a spirit of fear because he knew he didn't have a spirit of fear, period. But, to the person who struggles with a spirit of fear, they are now 'seeing' for the first time that someone gave it to him because he definately has a spirit of fear. We know Satan is the Father of Lies. There are myriads of principalilties, nuances of fear, but there are only 3 categories of sin: The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the boastful pride of life. I can see 450 million billion fallen angels fitting into any one of these three categories. Whether being an agent of Satan or a foreign entity/principality setting up house in the temple of my body, they are both possible. I have experienced both as a committed Christian. My Spirit suffers every time either of these take place in me or through me.
As I began writing this blog, I was led to Mark 16:17 while looking for the passage where Jesus had just finished telling His disciples He was going to die and predicting His resurrection, when Satan rebuked Jesus. And Jesus turned and faced Peter and rebuked him saying, "Get behind me Satan..." I look forward to the next time I read this passage. I have more questions.
Mark 16:17
These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
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