Friday, February 17, 2012

Where Are They?

They occupy the realm around us but these powers of the air desire to inhabit a human body so they can wreak the most havoc upon the individual and all those around him.

What are their limitations?
They are not created in the image of God so they have no imagination. They must rely on human nature and by initiating a lie, they let our imaginations do the work for them.
Their sin is against the Holy Spirit and they are unable to repent, nor are they to ever be forgiven.  They cannot make a Christian do anything against his will. These powers need to have our cooperation to fulfill their evil schemes. And they are confined to stay within the boundaries God places on them in each situation.

What kinds of authority have they been given?
Satan has the authority to go before the throne of God (I suspect outer court) and present accusations against any one of us. Each entity has different abilities or specialties if you may. Personify any sin and you have the composite of a demon. Some are more powerful than others. Jesus explained to the disciples, after they were successful in delivering many from demons but then they could not cast out a particular demon, "This kind comes out only with prayer and fasting."

What empowers them?
Sin empowers them. Dabbling with the occult, bitterness and unforgiven, Rebellion (is as the sin of witchcraft), sexual sin, pornography, greed and the oppression of the poor, and most of all, pride. Each time they are successful in tempting us to sin, and we succumb, they are empowered and their stronghold on our lives is strengthened.

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