In my lifetime, I have met only one demon possessed person that I know of.
I am not sure why many Christians are so set in their beliefs that a principality or unclean spirit cannot dwell inside the body of a Christian. It is clear and obvious to me but then I saw demons come out of my body and I know the freedom and clarity I have experienced as a result.
We know that sin dwells within our body. And our flesh has permanent residence until we are delivered from this corruptible shell. God says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Well, the temple dimensions that were given to Solomon included the outer court and an inner sanctuary, the Holy of Holies. Satan goes before the throne of God in heaven to present accusations toward man. This heaven is as the outer court. Whereas, the highest heaven is restricted access only.
It is much like the effects of alcohol on the human body. When I drink alcohol, it affects my whole body. It is in my blood. I could drink a little and feel relaxed or I could consume a lot and become inebriated and out of control. The alcohol at no time possesses my Spirit, nor does it change me from who I am when sober. It does have an influence commensurate with how much I am given over to it in my consumption. Unclean spirits are much like the alcohol with one difference. Once they have gained access to a body, they don't leave unless they are called out and commanded, "Be gone in the Name of Jesus."
I do not identify with my flesh in any way. I am not a sinner though I sin. I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. When I choose to sin, to disregard Jesus, I am allowing my flesh to dominate. My flesh is in control. Unclean spirits have control over my actions when I let them. My Spirit has no uncleanness and cannot be defiled but it can be oppressed and held captive. If I feed my flesh then I will reap corruption. It is imperative we feed our Spirit through devotion to The Word of God. Quick repentance, forgiveness and restitution are critical to re-establish our fellowship with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I remember when a few months ago a number of unclean spirits were called out of my body and sent away. I asked Father God if they were all gone and He didn't answer but I could tell pride hadn't left. Since then many more unclean spirits have gone out but as long as I am subject to this corruptible body, I am also subject to war between my Spirit and my flesh. I can see and hear these entities as they entice and try to deceive me.
I find great comfort in knowing it is no longer I doing it but sin that dwells within me. Guilt and condemnation have no foothold. Neither do I struggle with constant fear or feelings of oppression. My Spirit is free and strong and growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus everyday. My identity in Jesus is sure.
When I was four years old, I began stealing candy from the corner drug store. I continued to steal throughout my childhood. I took anything that caught my fancy. Even after I was saved, I still had the compulsion to steal that which was not mine. After I had taken some coins that a friend had laying around, I was convicted and a year after the initial offense, I was making restitution. I called the girl and made arrangements for her to meet me. I told her I had stolen coins from her. I handed her the jewelry travel case that was full of many old coins, including all my silver dollars. She said she knew they were not all hers and I agreed but since I didn't know definitively which ones were hers, I was giving her all the coins I had collected through the years. That really hurt. Stealing became less attractive that day.
Then, starting about 2 years ago, I stole two gold chain necklaces from a friend. A year later I stole some beads from the store where I volunteered. Then, after Tom died, I started stealing some of the stupidest stuff from the handicapped girl I was working for. I remember walking in the door, home from work, and with a stolen Pizza Hut gift card in hand, going straight to the phone and calling to find out the dollar amount on it. When I heard, "Forty-three dollars and sixteen cents" I was shocked back to my senses and immediately called my friend and confessed what I had done and offered to drive it right over to her.
Well, from these behaviors and the compulsive nature that was escalating, I was sure I had an unclean spirit. I don't know if it was actually one that did end up coming out of me or not but I brought the gold chains back to my friend and confessed to the bead store owner and made restitution. I know I don't hear constant badgering to take something anymore. There is definitely a cleanness and purity and clarity of thought that I have not ever known. When confessing sin before I go to bed, I can usually tell if something has loosened and I call any unclean spirit out and command it to leave in the Name of Jesus. It is that simple.
I know I will never be released from all of them but as long as I take obedience to The Word of God seriously, it doesn't matter. My flesh will burn and disappear. I will live on forever in the new incorruptible body God gives me.
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