We must live one day at a time. For me, it was very difficult to live in the moment. I know what it is like to spend most of my childhood subject to unclean spirits who had permission to be there. Saved at 18 years of age during the Charismatic movement, I graduated from Rex Putnam High School in 1974. I might have found a way to commit suicide if I hadn't found Jesus. In August '74 God established me with a roommate and my first best friend, Mimi Hostmann, who later became Mimi Meyer. She would often say, "Preach it sister!" and I would say, "Live it sister!" Life was fun. I saturated my life with the Word of God and all that could mean for me. I often felt I could not move or live without Him in my very being.
I attended George Fox College in Newberg, Oregon for pre-nursing. I remember praying a lot. I remember being drawn to the needy because no one was drawn to me. But my self esteem grew strong in the Lord because I often found shelter in the shadow of His wing. At University of Portland I sang at folk mass every Wed but my favorite time was Saturday morning prayer with the Charismatic Nuns. My friend Zana said to me after one of these prayer meetings, "I love praying with you because when you pray, I know I am in the presence of God." I am sure there was an occasional prayer meeting she prayed I'd keep my mouth shut. Or more accurately, "Stop talking!"
I had just moved into a large older stone home that had established roommates, 4 single gals from Hinson Memorial Baptist Church. Here I lived in SE Portland the morning Mt St Helens erupted in May 1980. There was about 3/4 inch ash on the hood of my car but miles of thick ash clouds carried the ash across Minnesota. Seems to me European air traffic was affected.
A couple years after graduating from U of Portland, I was attending Prince of Peace Church in Portland, Oregon and living with an elders family. His wife Linda, shared with me she thought my struggles were demonic. Afterall, though Linda didn't know it, I divorced my parents and was in rebellion from age 4. It sounded like truth and I felt hopeful I would soon experience victory from self-discipline and power. That prayer session was powerful and educational at the very least. I experienced the reality of a foreign entity in my flesh and I had no idea it was there. After this deliverance time with the elders I was aware of a whole new playing field where angels fought and the prayers of the saints were important. Prince of Peace Church was modeled after Calvary-Chuck Smith's Church down in California. My pastor's name was Chuck Smith also!
Jumping a head to the January Tuesday morning that Obama gave his inaugural address, I stayed home from Ladies Prayer meeting to watch it live and went to the study late. Actually, I arrived before prayer was over because I sat on the carpeted floor with my arms on the padded chair and wept with streams of emotion I wasn''t too familiar with. Right before Obama opened his mouth, God said, "For such a day as this I called you to nursing," Wow! That was an answer to a question I asked God in 2003, six years earlier to the month. "and," He continued, "you are my best friend." For about 4 weeks, I was reading Daniel, John's writings, Isaiah and Moses. I was already more familiar with David as God's friend but I was wanting my own best friend position with God/Jesus. God chose that moment to tell me I was His best friend too. That word still sits very softly in the very center of My Being.
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