There was so much peace as I sat at his bedside. I was almost in a trance watching him breathe. I was engaging with visitors and pleased with their solemn awe of what was transpiring. They engaged him as they patted him on the shoulder and said, "Say ‘Hi’ to my mom for me. She is probably teaching art with my sister."
It was 6 months after Tom died that I began to document events that have occurred since that time. This story is about the 6 hours Tom’s body was sustained by 100% O2, and his autonomic nervous system couldn’t shut down because his O2 sats were being maintained at high levels artificially. A couple months after Tom died, I was looking into the bathroom mirror and was talking to God as usual, when I noticed I was feeling alive and connected with my surroundings and feeling really in the moment.
"Show me how to be alive." I asked the Father. And He began to reveal parts of a truth that keeps being confirmed everyday I breathe.
"You were resurrected the day Tom died." God said to me.
I think I said, "What?"
"During those last hours, Tom left his body and was at your side with his arms around you."
I pondered this marvelous thought for days then another portion of the picture was revealed. There was so much glory for God that week and the weeks to follow. It was only now that I was getting a glimpse behind the veil. Tom’s hospital room was inhabited by glorious creatures and The Father, Jesus, Mom and his parents and many, many angels. It was a magnificent party of great rejoicing. I remember feeling uncomfortable when Lionel patted Tom on the shoulder in that hospital room. I knew then, in my Spirit, that Tom was no longer in his body but the demons were.
Those 6 hours in the Spirit with Tom, at the moment of this revelation, felt like a lifetime of marriage nestled in unspeakable intimacy. It was as if Tom was finally freed of his corruptible body with the demons that had tormented him for so many years. I felt his pure, profound love for me. I was getting to feel the man I married who loved people and loved to make them laugh, or get them to smile when they were having a bad day.
People often told Tom, "You just made my day!"
I enjoyed hearing these stories from him but that wasn’t my usual experience with Tom. He was very appreciated by people who got to know him, but they didn’t usually see him under the influence of his demons. And I seldom got to see him in the Spirit. My demons made sure of it.
I understood the immense satisfaction I felt when a couple months earlier, I heard God say, "Well done Carmen. You did good! You stayed married to the end."
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